Kriya for discernment

In kundalini yoga the second body – the negative aspect of the mind – allows us to discern what we truly need and don’t need on our spiritual journey through life. This class strengthens and balances the negative mind to widen our perception and open a flow of creativity.

Music played in this class

— Guru Ram Das by Mirabei Ceiba from the album Yoga Living Series: Meditative Moon
— Wahe Guru Expand Your Capacity by Satkirin and Ferenz from the album Ignite Your Light
— Chatr Chatr Vartee by Kulwant Singh from the album Healing Sounds of the Ancients Vol. 1
— Wahe Guru Expand Your Capacity by Satkirin and Ferenz from the album Ignite Your Light
— Har Har Har Amritsar by Sat Kartar Kaur from the album Flow
— Rakhay Rakhanhaar by Ram Dass from the album The Alchemist’s Prayer
— Guru Ram Das by Mirabei Ceiba from the album Yoga Living Series: Meditative Moon

Good places to buy kundalini yoga music are Spirit Voyage and Sat Nam Versand’s Mantra Download shop. There’s also quite a lot on iTunes. For more information see our About Kundalini Yoga Music page.

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