Kriya for creating and containing prana
The aura is a container which holds our personal energy – the prana which gives us life. If the aura is strong, our energy supports us in everything we do. If it’s weak or damaged we are listless and unsuccessful in life. This class works on creating and containing prana.
Music played in this class
— Rakhay Rakhanhaar by Ram Dass from the album The Alchemist’s Prayer
— Flow by Sat Kartar Kaur from the album Flow
— Asato Ma by Indiajiva from the album Universal Mother
— Ong So Hung by The Guru Singh Experience from the album The Guru Singh Experience Volume One
— Flow by Sat Kartar Kaur from the album Flow
— Wahe Guru by Gurudass Kaur from the album Lovingly
— Tershula Kryia (Har Har Wahe Guru) by Sat Kartar from the album Call for the Beloved
— Blessings by Singh Kaur from the album Crimson Collection Vol. 6 & 7
— Tershula Kryia (Har Har Wahe Guru) by Sat Kartar from the album Call for the Beloved
Good places to buy kundalini yoga music are Spirit Voyage and Sat Nam Versand’s Mantra Download shop. There’s also quite a lot on iTunes. For more information see our About Kundalini Yoga Music page.