Improve circulation to aid detoxification

Detoxification is a continuous process in the human body. If what we take in is not released or processed it remains with us in some form. This class improves circulation and thus aids detoxification.

Music played in this class

– Ong So Hung by The Guru Singh Experience from the album The Guru Singh Experience Volume One
– Rom Rom by White Sun from the album White Sun
– Ong So Hung by The Guru Singh Experience from the album The Guru Singh Experience Volume One
– Blessings by Singh Kaur from the album Crimson Collection Vol. 6 & 7
– Ap Sahai Hoa by Gurdass Singh & Kaur from the album Circle of Light: Mantra Meditations
– Aad Guray Nameh by Snatam Kaur from the album Prem

Good places to buy kundalini yoga music are Spirit Voyage and Sat Nam Versand’s Mantra Download shop. There’s also quite a lot on iTunes. For more information see our About Kundalini Yoga Music page.

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